Saturday, September 5

♡ KiguKawaii Review ♡

Dear lovely readers of my blog,I know I haven't posted anything in a long while, but I try do make up for that now and in the future! was so kind to sponsor me and asked me if I could do a review for one of their products. Even though I got this item for free this is still my honest opinion, please keep that in mind. 
Well, let's move to the actual review now. ♡ is a Hong Kong based store where you can find all kinds of cute clothes and accessories. Their main focus are Kigurumis and Cosplays/asian fashion. 
Their costumer service is fast and helps with any problem you are encountering.(hopefully you won't have any problems, but in case, they're super reliable)

Well, since I know myself that I don't like reading 30 pages long reviews about something, here are some short inforamtion about the shop and what you might want to know before jumping to the actual product.

Based in: Hong Kong
Offers: cute clothes, kigurumis, accessories
Shipping: world wide
Shipping costs: depends on how shipping method you choose (fast or normal shipping etc)
Are they reliable? Yes, they definately are reliable!
Can I trust this shop? Yes, you can trust the shop!

If you have any further question, just write an e-mail to the shop and they will answer your question. ♡

The product

I've chosen the pink school uniform which you can find under the categorie "Cosplay" - Cosplay - 

The pink is a light pink, which I really like. The skirt is not too short but a little too big on my waist (that's why I might look a lil chubby on the photo /cry) but that's because I had to choose size "L" since I'm 170cm tall and needed the skirt length. But it's not too bad I can easily stitch up the skirt so it fits perfectly around my waist. 
So, if you're smaller than me, you can choose "S" or "M" which then /should/ fit perfectly.
The fabric of the pink parts it super nice and I really like this kind of fabric. The fabric of the white part is kind of more elastic than the fabric of the pink part, it's not bad and it looks good, I just don't really like the feel of it, but still it's high quality and it depends on what fabric YOU like.

Here is a close up of the bow, which you can remove as well. 

And a close up of the skirt. 

So here a little summary:
Colour: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Fabric: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Size: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 💜
Quality: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Appearance: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

End result: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 💜 (that's half a heart; 4,5 hearts)

The shop was so kind to even give me a discount code where you get 10% off your order. 
Just use " KIGUKAWAII-ANDI " and you get a discount.

I hope you enjoyed this review, happy shopping everyone!

Bye Bye